Anthony Coughlan
Anthony Coughlan is looking forward to Christmas this year saying he will have a lovely time surrounded by his grandchildren when he spends it with his daughter and family near Mallow. The 65-year-old will make the trip from Grattan Street in the city where he has been living in one of SHARE’s complexes for the last two and a half years.
“SHARE has done an awful lot for people who are living alone….. everything is provided for in the SHARE areas,” says Anthony.
Having suffered ill health, Anthony lost mobility in parts of his body, now requiring assistance and space for rehabilitation. He says the SHARE complex supports his recovery as it is sheltered allowing him to walk despite the weather and that his daily exercise is “good for both the back of his leg and the head as well…and better than any physio. I find this complex very good for me because I’ve had two strokes and its secluded living and there is an area I can exercise every day and walk with no one interfering with me, and I find the neighbours very good and they ask me how I’m getting on so I’m at home here, and I’m very happy I got the place here.”
The Spangle Hill natively speaks highly of the festive season in the complex too saying it’s a great time for friends to come together and discuss their old jobs as well as friends who have passed away.
On discussing Christmas for him growing up, and what it’s like today, Anthony doesn’t believe that things are all that different. He says despite all the changes in the world, he doesn’t think it changes everything about people, and particularly those involved in SHARE: “When you see the young people in Cork and to give up their time and what they are doing with SHARE, I think this is excellent. It tells you that no matter how much the world can change, there are still good people here and nature never changes, and it’s all the way it’s brought into you and bred into you, and I think those children have it.”